Soil Hydrology research platform underpinning innovation to manage water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems
Source of financing: H2020- EU, Grant agreement n. 773903
SHUI is a network that integrates experiments carried out by its 19 partners (both academic and SMEs), operating in different environmental conditions and cultural systems, located in the EU and in China. It is configured as a platform for the most advanced research on the management of water-soil resources in conditions of scarce water availability, in order to better understand the links between agricultural land hydrology and sustainability and to provide a systematic assessment of adaptation and mitigation methods.
Protection and enhancement of natural and cultural capital
Source of financing: RDP CAMPANIA REGION 2014-2020, MEASURE 16 Cooperation, sub-measure 16.5.1 - Joint actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation to them and for environmental practices - in progress
The collective project PROTECTION AND VALORISATION OF NATURAL AND CULTURAL CAPITAL - TUVANAC, uses a multi-stakeholder strategy, implemented through the establishment of a multi-stakeholder lab (MSL). The objective is to provide farms, companies, institutional organizations and not-for- profit organizations, and all stakeholders, with a platform for permanent dialogue to identify the most effective strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience
Source of financing: H2020- EU, Grant agreement n. 635750
Soil is considered a non-renewable resource because, once degraded, the restoration of its productivity is an extremely slow process. Given its importance for agriculture, livestock and the provision of ecosystem services, keeping it in good condition is vitally important.
For the proper management of agricultural land, the availability of scientific tools that are easy to apply, low-cost, and that deal with the assessment of the quality and functioning of the soil, is of great importance.
Knowledge Hub funded by FACCE - JPI
This joint action brings together 67 research groups from 17 countries and aims to improve the characterisation of European food security due to climate change and to enhance adaptation capacity through improvements in modeling of impacts of climate change.
It includes 3 coordinated and integrated networks on:
1) crops;
2) grasslands and livestock and
3) economics and trade and has developed a joint research plan
Catastrophic shifts in drylands: how can we prevent ecosystem degradation?
Source of financing: European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration (FP7), Grant agreement n. 283068
CASCADE focuses on several ecosystems in arid areas in southern Europe in order to better understand catastrophic shifts that could cause serious losses in biodiversity and related ecosystem services. The project proposes methodologies that predict when these ecosystems are approaching critical thresholds. Forecasts can be used by policy makers as well as by land users to define more sustainable ways of using dry areas around the world.
The research is carried out in six Mediterranean areas, ranging from Portugal to Cyprus.
Land and Ecosystem Degradation and Desertification: Assessing the Fit of Responses
Source of financing: European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration (FP7), Grant agreement n. 243857
LEDDRA proposes a holistic assessment of the fit of responses adopted to combat soil and ecosystem degradation and desertification (LEDD). LEDDRA embraces the Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) paradigm and employs the internationally recognized ecosystem approach as appropriate for the holistic study of human-environment interactions. Recognizing, therefore, that humanity is an integral part of the ecosystems and assuming their mutual dependence, the criterion used by LEDDRA to evaluate the anthropic responses to LEDD is to verify whether the responses protect and preserve the socio-ecological resilience of the analyzed ecosystem.
Desertification Mitigation and Remediation of Land- a global approach for local solutions, Integrated Project (IP)
Source of financing: The Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) CE
The DESIRE project, involving 28 partners worldwide, has developed a useful approach to defining promising Sustainable Land Management (SLM) strategies to counteract desertification processes in arid areas. SLM is a strategy aimed at improving or stabilizing agricultural productivity, improving people's living conditions and improving ecosystems. SLM strategies therefore seek to combine and optimize the ecological, technical, institutional, socio-cultural, economic and scientific aspects related to soil management in response to desertification.
Mediterranean Harmonized Information System for Sustainable Resources Management
The Eureka project is aimed at the systematization of the scientific and operational results achieved in the ARCHIMED area that are related to the sustainable management of the territory and the protection of natural resources. The HARMONIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM, the main result of the project, is a web-based tool conceived as a digital archive where all the products produced in the Mediterranean countries can be brought together in a reasoned manner.
Development of a model of synergies aimed at Qualifying and Enhancing the Natural Historical Cheeses of Southern Italy in the Regions of Sicily, Sardinia, Basilicata and Campania
Source of financing: AGRO-FOOD FOUNDATIONS FOR THE RESEARCH – AGER – in progress
The "Canestrum casei" project focusses on dairy products at risk of extinction or showing particular difficulties in terms of market qualification and valorization. Among the Natural Historical Cheeses of the Southern Italy, 16 (AGER Selection) have been chosen, according to the following criteria:
produced using traditional and eco-sustainable techniques;
produced in mountainous and / or marginal areas in the regions involved by the project;
presence of young people in the farming systems;
products that have been the subject of scientific research that demonstrates the peculiarities of both production systems and products;
willingness of the producers to support the project by participating in the project activities.
For the chosen cheeses, the project will fill a scientific gap by specifically addressing the nutritional characteristics to make labels "talking”,and fine-tuning new promotion and marketing approaches.
Development of a product-territory model for Campania legumes
Source of financing: RDP Campania Region 2014-2020, Measure 16 Cooperation, Sub-measure 16.1 Support for the establishment and functioning of the IEP Operational Groups on the productivity and sustainability of agriculture, Action 1 "Support for the establishment and start-up of the Operating Groups " - in progress
PROTELE will enhance the production of legumes in Campania using scientific results that attest, on a genomic basis, to the link between production and the individual territory. The importance of the product-territory link becomes, therefore, the lever for valorization strategies as well as the criterion by which to promote aggregation within the supply chain.
Use of vegetable rennet for the production of innovative cheese based on cow's milk
Source of financing: RDP CAMPANIA 2007-2013 - Measure 124 HC "Cooperation for the development of new products, processes and technologies in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors"
Experimentation and validation of new dairy products that are based on cow's milk with vegetable coagulants. The new products will be differentiated not only by the nature of the coagulant, but also by the final organoleptic characteristics, in terms of texture, flavor and shelf life. The project's aims to contribute to the niche market of dairy products based on vegetable coagulants, both with well-established technologies, such as those of spun pastes, and with alternative technologies.
Validation of new dairy products and fodder capable of improving the overall quality of the dairy cow system
Source of financing: RDP CAMPANIA 2007-2013 - Measure 124 HC "Cooperation for the development of new products, processes and technologies in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors"
The project stems from intense research activity developed by the partnership in the bovine dairy sector. The knowledge acquired in the context of the effects of diet and of bovine breeding, on the dietetic-nutritional quality of cheeses has been used to introduce elements of innovation along the entire production chain: breeding, processing and enhancement / marketing of new dairy products. The aim of the Novorod project is the production of cheeses made with rennet derived from the Pertosa white artichoke.
Local Product Development Network
The LoProDeN project aims to build a network between producers of typical and artisanal food products in newly-acceded countries and Italian regions, aimed at the exchange of good practices and territorial animation. The purpose of the research is to coordinate the producers of the Basilicata region, organizing and structuring the network and facilitating, through workshops, training and meetings, the transfer of good practices related to strategies for promotion, marketing and enhancement of valuable regional produce.
Collection, Characterization, Enhancement and Protection of Bean ecotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for obtaining certified typical products in the Casalbuono Territory in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park
Source of financing: -
The project aims to discover ways to valorise the local bean ecotypes in order to combine two objectives of EU agricultural policy, namely rural development of the inland areas and the safeguarding of biodiversity. The project has proposed a certification system to guarantee producers and consumers.
Farm system that produce good watwr quality for drinking water supplies
Source of financing: H2020-EU, Grant agreement n. 727984
Drinking water is vital for human health. Widespread pollution by nitrogen and pesticides from agriculture is the main obstacle to achieving drinking water quality objectives.
FAIRWAY's goal is to re-examine approaches to the protection of drinking water from pesticide and nitrate pollution and to identify and develop further innovative measures and governance approaches for the most effective protection of the water resources.
integrated management of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization in response to climate change
Source of financing: PSR CAMPANIA REGION 2014-2020, MEASURE 16 Cooperation, sub-measure 16.5.1 - Joint actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation and for environmental practices, in progress
The objective of the collective project CIFRE is to strengthen the commitments undertaken jointly by the public and private partners of the ATS (Agreement among the partners), multiplying both the environmental and climatic benefits, as well as the knowledge generated due to the dissemination activities and the synergies put in place for the development of local strategies.
Management of irrigation through the integration of numerical meteorological forecasts
Source of financing: RDP CAMPANIA 2007-2013 - Measure 124 HC "Cooperation for the development of new products, processes and technologies in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors"
This project demonstrates the potential of the new Irrigation Consulting Service. The specific objectives are to: validate the accuracy of the estimate of the potential irrigation requirement resulting from the analysis of multispectral satellite images; verify the effectiveness of optimal weekly irrigation programs; demonstrate the technical and economic benefits deriving from the acquisition of the PIRAM service; make a widespread dissemination of the benefits resulting from the adoption of the service.
Integrated system of differentiated irrigation management through high resolution geoelectrical mapping
Source of financing: RDP CAMPANIA 2007-2013 - Measure 124 HC "Cooperation for the development of new products, processes and technologies in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors"finanziamento: PSR CAMPANIA 2007-2013 – Misura 124 HC “Cooperazione per lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, processi e tecnologie nei settori agricolo e alimentare e forestale”
IRRISOL introduces innovation in the irrigation sector in order to achieve water savings and to increase management capacity at the farm and water district level.
Sustainable use of water resources and rural development in drought affected area
The IMAGE project, which involves Italian and Greek partners, aims to define a strategy for the integrated management of water resources capable of coordinating the actors involved at administrative / political scale, at the management / distribution level and at the end-user / local community scale.
Elaboration of the Local Development Strategy of the LAG "I Sentieri del Buon Vivere", PSR Campania 2007-20013 e 2014-2020 - LOCAL -
The development of the Strategy in both programming periods including:
identification and accompaniment in the establishment of the public-private partnership (Local Action Group)
elaboration of the development strategy using innovative and participative approaches, promoted and implemented with an upward and cross-sector approach
support to the multi-sectoral implementation of the strategy based on the interaction between operators and projects belonging to various sectors of the local economy
elaboration and support for the implementation of intra and trans-territorial cooperation projects
Strategic Sustainable Development Plans - LOCAL -
for the municipalities of Buccino, Sicignano degli Alburni, Postiglione, Petina
Source of financing: Community / regional resources programming phase 2007-2013
MEDES was appointed to promote and carry out activities of study, research and planning on land management approaches, sustainable development, and enhancement of interventions already in place. This commitment includes support to municipalities in preparing local plans for the protection of natural resources and for the valorization of typical agricultural products.
Strategic Plans for Economic Development - LOCAL -
Comunita’ Montana Alburni (Mountain community is a territorial association of mountain and foothill municipalities)
Assignment to promote and carry out activities of study, research and planning on land management strategies, sustainable development, enhancement of interventions concerning the territory of the Mountain Community Alburni. This commitment includes support to the territorial association in preparing local plans for the protection of natural resources and for the valorization of typical agricultural products.
Wildlife Hunting Plan - LOCAL -
Salerno Province
Technical-administrative assistance for the study and analysis of the territory and the fauna-hunting management.
1) Macrophase: involvement of public or private stakeholders such as Mountain Communities, Municipalities, Management Committees, hunting associations, agricultural, environmentalists, etc.
2) Macrophase: territorial classification, fauna systematic classification in the Salerno province, analysis of the current fauna-hunting management
Environmental Improvement Plan - LOCAL -
Salerno Province
Technical-administrative assistance for the management of subsidies accorded to farmers belonging to hunting areas and devoted to environmental improvements and to the breeding of native species.
Agreement with the Mountain Community Zona del Tanagro. Research activity within the "The Countries of Good Living", initiative: FIERA DEL VILLAGGIO - model "Ager Silarus -Tanager"
The research activity aims were to promote an economic and commercial valorisation strategy for the typical agricultural products of the Tanagro area (in particular olive, vine, fruit, cereals and vegetables). The research project was divided into two basic phases: a first one, aimed at identifying the different species and genotypes characteristic of the territory, some of which are at risk of extinction; a second phase aimed at evaluating potentialities and at identify concrete strategies for their economic and commercial exploitation. The research has been the fundamental starting point for further developments in the management of local heritage and biodiversity (germplasm bank of local cultivars etc.)
Expertise Development Centers for Cultural Actors
The project aims to bring cultural institutions closer to research organizations and businesses (as diffusers of new knowledge and technological skills). The purpose of this initiative is to increase the possible collaborations between the different actors and fill existing cultural and knowledge gaps. This process, in turn, contributes to the creation of a 'European Digital Library' and guarantees the development of further innovations through the combination of skills and capabilities; the analysis of current trends in the presentation, conservation, production and consumption of knowledge.
Implementation of a methodology aimed at evaluating and measuring sustainable and eco-compatible investments (on behalf of Sviluppo Italia Basilicata)
The aim of the project is to develop and disseminate, through the creation of a network, a new methodology finalized to attract investments, in order to find innovative tools and policies to be applied in the future.
Harmonious Development of Rural and Insular Areas
The aim of the project is to strengthen the role of isolated, mountain and island areas in a modern socio-economic context, through the development of a territorial planning focused on attracting new residents. The project promotes the development of spatial planning strategies concerning the revitalization of isolated areas and the decongestion of urban areas. Working in this way, the Hadriamed project aims to increase job opportunities, both for the female population and for the new generations, and to support the improvement of the quantity and quality of services.