Farm system that produce good watwr quality for drinking water supplies
Source of financing: H2020-EU, Grant agreement n. 727984
Drinking water is vital for human health. Widespread pollution by nitrogen and pesticides from agriculture is the main obstacle to achieving drinking water quality objectives.
FAIRWAY's goal is to re-examine approaches to the protection of drinking water from pesticide and nitrate pollution and to identify and develop further innovative measures and governance approaches for the most effective protection of the water resources.
integrated management of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization in response to climate change
Source of financing: PSR CAMPANIA REGION 2014-2020, MEASURE 16 Cooperation, sub-measure 16.5.1 - Joint actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation and for environmental practices, in progress
The objective of the collective project CIFRE is to strengthen the commitments undertaken jointly by the public and private partners of the ATS (Agreement among the partners), multiplying both the environmental and climatic benefits, as well as the knowledge generated due to the dissemination activities and the synergies put in place for the development of local strategies.
Management of irrigation through the integration of numerical meteorological forecasts
Source of financing: RDP CAMPANIA 2007-2013 - Measure 124 HC "Cooperation for the development of new products, processes and technologies in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors"
This project demonstrates the potential of the new Irrigation Consulting Service. The specific objectives are to: validate the accuracy of the estimate of the potential irrigation requirement resulting from the analysis of multispectral satellite images; verify the effectiveness of optimal weekly irrigation programs; demonstrate the technical and economic benefits deriving from the acquisition of the PIRAM service; make a widespread dissemination of the benefits resulting from the adoption of the service.
Integrated system of differentiated irrigation management through high resolution geoelectrical mapping
Source of financing: RDP CAMPANIA 2007-2013 - Measure 124 HC "Cooperation for the development of new products, processes and technologies in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors"finanziamento: PSR CAMPANIA 2007-2013 – Misura 124 HC “Cooperazione per lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, processi e tecnologie nei settori agricolo e alimentare e forestale”
IRRISOL introduces innovation in the irrigation sector in order to achieve water savings and to increase management capacity at the farm and water district level.
Sustainable use of water resources and rural development in drought affected area
The IMAGE project, which involves Italian and Greek partners, aims to define a strategy for the integrated management of water resources capable of coordinating the actors involved at administrative / political scale, at the management / distribution level and at the end-user / local community scale.